Well, here it is:
Version 3 of the program! The VLL code seems to work, needs testing. The Microscout Program 4 code works. I wanted to post it while I was thinking of it.
The main feature of the VLL code here, is that it will handle all 128 VLL codes! So it should be able to work with the code pilot! (As I don't have a Code Pilot, someone else will have to test that part out.)
Lego Connector Version 3
by Donald Hosford (Donzerme@Yahoo.com)
Last Update: 07/06/2018
-- Use an Arduino Uno to enable old Lego Computer Bricks to be
controlled by any bluetooth enabled smart phone/tablet/PC etc.
-- Working on: MicroScout program 4/VLL protocol.
All commands are simple text characters. Every command will start
with a two letter device code (upper case for now). Below is a
list of Lego P-brick devices I intend to support.
Physical Pin assignments:
pin 0 - BT transmit
pin 1 - BT receive
pin 2 - IR receiver unit
pin 3 - IR transmit led
pin 4 - MicroScout 1 led
pin 5 - MicroScout 2 led
pin 6 - MicroScout 3 led
pin 7 - MicroScout 1 touch switch
pin 8 - MicroScout 2 touch switch
pin 9 - MicroScout 3 touch switch
pin 10 - BT connect led?
Command format: (Device)(unit id)(action)
Devices: (So far -- this may change.)
BM - Bionicle Manas
MS - MicroScout (Program 4)
PF - Power Functions
SB - Spybot
SC - Scout
VL - MicroScout VLL
Device: MS
Unit ID:
0 - All units
1 - First unit
2 - Second unit
3 - Third unit
0 - Stop motor
1 - Forward rotation
2 - Backwards rotation
Example: MS11 - MicroScout unit 1, Motor forwards.
MS02 - All MicroScouts, motor backwards.
Device: VL
Unit ID:
0 - All units
1 - First unit
2 - Second unit
3 - Third unit
code 0 to 127
I - Initialize microscout for vll?
VL1100 - Send VLL code 100 to Microscout port 1,
VL1I - Initialize microscout port 1 for vll?
Note: call VLLInit() first? Then send VLL commands.
// init variables
String message = "";
// initialize MicroScout variables
int MSNum = 0;
int Action = 0;
//Array hold MicroScout data
int MSD[] = {
0, 1, 1, 1
//Pin array to hold the assignments
int pin[] = {
0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 2, 0, 1, 10
Pin[] array positions
0 = space holder, not a pin number
1 = MS1 Led
2 = MS2 Led
3 = MS3 Led
4 = MS1 sw
5 = MS2 sw
6 = MS3 sw
7 = IR transmitter led
8 = IR receiver unit
9 = BT transmitter
10 = BT receiver
11 = BT Led
// MSswitch variables
int MS1State = 0;
int MS2State = 0;
int MS3State = 0;
// MSxState current switch state.
int MS1Last = 0;
int MS2Last = 0;
int MS3Last = 0;
// MSxLast Last switch state when checked.
unsigned long LastTimeSwitchesChecked = 0;
unsigned long SwitchDebounce = 70;
// SwitchDebounce time in ms for microscout switches.
int Switchtoggle = 0;
// Switchtoggle 0=switch check off, 1=switch check on
//VLL variables
int N = 0;
int N2 = 0;
int command = 0;
// Infared variables
void setup() {
pinMode(pin[1], OUTPUT); // MS1 led
pinMode(pin[2], OUTPUT); // MS2 led
pinMode(pin[3], OUTPUT); // MS3 led
pinMode(pin[4], INPUT); // MS1 switch
pinMode(pin[5], INPUT); // MS2 switch
pinMode(pin[6], INPUT); // MS3 switch
pinMode(pin[7], OUTPUT); // IR send
pinMode(pin[8], INPUT); // IR receive
pinMode(pin[9], OUTPUT); // BT send
pinMode(pin[10], INPUT); // BT receive
pinMode(pin[11], OUTPUT); // BT connect led
//serial setup/output ready
delay(5000); // give user time to open serial monitor.
Serial.println("Ready"); //tell user its ready for commands
// ----------------------------
void loop() {
message = "";
// check time for MS switches
if (Switchtoggle == 1) {
if ((millis() - LastTimeSwitchesChecked) > SwitchDebounce) {
// listen for message
// receive messages from the serial monitor/BT HC-05 module
while (Serial.available() == 0) {
message = Serial.readString();
Serial.println("you typed:");
// process message
if (message > "") {
// end of voidloop
// ----------------------------
void protocol() {
// if message starts with a two letter code then 'gosub'
// to appropriate 'subroutine'
if (message.startsWith("MS")) {
if (message.startsWith("VL")) {
if (message.startsWith("RC")) {
if (message.startsWith("BM")) {
if (message.startsWith("SB")) {
if (message.startsWith("SC")) {
if (message.startsWith("PF")) {
// ----------------------------
void VLL() {
// The main entry for MicroScout/Code Pilot VLL protocol.
// Init variables
String c = "";
int CS = 0;
int n = 0;
// get message length
int mlen = message.length();
// retrieve MS number, and convert to number
MSNum = message.charAt(2);
MSNum = MSNum - 48;
// retrieve action
c = message.substring(3);
Action = c.toInt();
// check for init action.
if (Action == 73) {
// Initalize VLL.
// Done, clear message.
message = "";
Action = -1;
else {
void VLLSend() {
//retreive action, send it
// This VLL code has been adapted from a python3 program by:
// https://github.com/JorgePe/mindstorms-vll/blob/master/vll-atat.py
// Init variables
int CS = 0;
int n = 0;
int v = 0;
Action = message.toInt();
// vll send number
//void VLLsend()
// led off, delay 20ms
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
// checksum calculation
// checksum formulas:
// C or Perl: 7-((n+(n>2)+(n>>4))&7)
// Basic: 7-(n+int(n/4)+int(n/16)) mod 8
// Arduino Scratch: 7-(n+int(n/4)+int(n/16)) % 8
// Arduino uno scratch MOD command: z = x % y
n = Action;
// checksum calculation -- seems to be correct
CS = 7 - (n + int(n / 4) + int(n / 16)) % 8;
// Shift the bits to the left, seven spaces.
// Makes room for the number.
CS = CS << 7;
// Add number.
CS = CS + n;
// Read bits, and send them.
for ( int i = 9; i >= 0; i--) {
v = bitRead(CS, i);
//Serial.print (i);
if (v == 1) {
//led on, delay 20ms, led off, delay 40ms
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
else {
// Led on, delay 40ms, led off, delay 20ms
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
// led on, delay 20ms, led off, delay 60ms, led on, delay 120ms
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
//led on, delay 150
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
// all done, clear message.
message = "";
Action = -1;
void VLLInit() {
// VLLinit() {
// led on, delay 400ms, (led off?)
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
// delay 2000ms?
// ----------------------------
void MicroScout() {
// The main entry for MicroScout program 4 protocol.
String c = "";
int d = 0;
// pull MS number, and Action
MSNum = message.charAt(2);
MSNum = MSNum - 48;
// get action -- action "e" integer
c = message.substring(3);
Action = c.toInt();
d = Action;
// code for all MS.
if (MSNum == 0) {
MSNum = 1;
Action = d;
MSNum = 2;
Action = d;
MSNum = 3;
// clear message
message = "";
Action = -1;
MSNum = 0;
else {
// code for 1 MS
// clear message
MSNum = 0;
Action = -1;
message = "";
void MSSend() {
// code for MS program 4
// MS switches toggle
if (MSNum == 35) {
if (Action == 0) {
Switchtoggle = 0;
Serial.println("MS Switches OFF");
else {
Switchtoggle = 1;
Serial.println("MS Switches ON");
//check direction here
//if needed do reverse blink
if (Action == 1 && MSD[MSNum] == 2) {
MSD[MSNum] = 1;
if (Action == 2 && MSD[MSNum] == 1) {
MSD[MSNum] = 2;
// Action: stop motor
if (Action == 0) {
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
// Action: motor forwards
if (Action == 1) {
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
// Action: motor backwards
if (Action == 2) {
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
// all done, clear message.
message = "";
Action = -1;
void MSRevBlink() {
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], LOW);
digitalWrite(pin[MSNum], HIGH);
void MSSwitches() {
// check MicroScout Switches and report changes in status if any.
// store millis()
LastTimeSwitchesChecked = millis();
message = "MS";
// read MS switches
MS1State = digitalRead(pin[4]);
MS2State = digitalRead(pin[5]);
MS3State = digitalRead(pin[6]);
// check current state with last state
if (MS1State != MS1Last) {
message = message + "1";
MS1Last = MS1State;
else message = message + "0";
if (MS2State != MS2Last) {
message = message + "1";
MS2Last = MS2State;
else message = message + "0";
if (MS3State != MS3Last) {
message = message + "1";
MS3Last = MS3State;
else message = message + "0";
if (message > "MS") {
//Send message
message = "";
void MVIdAct(){
// Init variables
String a = "";
char b = 0;
String c = "";
int d = 0;
int e = 0;
// get protocol -- protocol "a" String
a = message.substring(0,2);
// get MS port address -- MS address "d" integer
b = message.charAt(2);
// get action -- action "e" integer
c = message.substring(3);
e = c.toInt();
// ----------------------------
// code for RCX
void RCX() {
// ----------------------------
// code for Bionicle Manas
void Manas() {
Serial.println("Bionicle Manas");
// ----------------------------
// code for Spybot
void Spybot() {
// ----------------------------
// code for Scout brick
void Scout() {
// ----------------------------
// code for Power Functions
void PowerFunctions() {
Serial.println("Power Function");
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